Do you know that hundreds of hidden Android codes exist for your smartphones? Yes, these Android hidden menu codes can unlock a world of features beyond the standard settings on your phone.
So, what do these hidden codes do, and how can they be accessed? In this article, I’ve detailed how these codes work and provided the top Android secret codes list.
What Are Android Secret Codes?
Android Secret Codes are unique combinations of numbers, symbols, and asterisks that can be entered into the phone dialer app to unlock hidden menus.
These codes are a helpful tool for testing hardware and software, displaying phone information, battery usage statistics, WIFI-mac address, troubleshooting issues, and running diagnostic tests, among other useful features.
It’s important to note that these codes are widely available on many Android devices. While they can help explore Android’s hidden features and diagnose potential issues, using them cautiously is crucial.
Note: These codes can help you run tests, checks, and commands on your Android phone. However, keep in mind that there’s no guarantee that all codes will work properly, and each command carries a certain level of risk, which is solely your responsibility.
Types of Android Secret Codes
There are three main types of Android secret codes:
- Information codes: These codes display details about your phone, like the IMEI number (important for identification), software version, or battery health.
- Testing codes: These codes run tests on various phone functions, such as network connectivity, GPS functionality, or camera performance.
- Service codes: These codes access hidden menus or activate carrier-specific features. Be cautious with these, as some can lead to permanent changes.
Note: While some codes offer valuable insights, others can be risky. Codes that reset your phone to factory settings or alter core functionalities should be avoided unless necessary.
How do I Find a Hidden Menu on My Android?
All Android phones are equipped with USSD codes (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) protocol, which enables users to access their phone’s features quickly without considering the manufacturer.
Knowing how to unlock hidden Android secret codes and hacks can give you greater control over your device.
To use the Android secret codes, open the Phone app and type a secret code on the dial pad. There is no need to tap Call, as the code automatically executes if your phone supports it.
Top Android Secret Codes List

There are specific secret codes that are compatible with all Android devices, but some codes only function on specific Android OEM devices. If a code is ineffective on your Android device, it means that your device OEM does not provide support for it.
1. To Display Phone Information, Usage Statistics and Other Info – (*#*#4636#*#*)
This Android secret codes, *#*#4636#*#* code, is extremely useful for users. This code can provide you with a wealth of information about your phone, including usage statistics, battery usage, and Wi-Fi details. You can view detailed information about your battery usage, such as how much battery life each app uses and how much time your phone spends in different states.
You can also view detailed Wi-Fi information, such as the signal strength and the frequency band your phone is connected to. Additionally, you can set your preferred network type, run ping tests, and view other advanced network information. This code is a great tool for advanced users who want to get the most out of their Android device.
2. Find your device’s IMEI number – (*#06#)
An International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a unique 15-digit identifier assigned to mobile devices that use GSM technology. It serves as a unique identity for your phone, allowing it to be traced and blocked if lost or stolen.
The IMEI number can be found on the back of the phone or by dialling *#06# on your Android smartphone. Keeping your IMEI number safe and secure is important, as it is crucial in protecting your phone and personal information.
3. Find Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Value – (#07#)
Your phone’s Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value shows how much radio frequency (RF) energy the human body absorbs when using a mobile device. This value is important because RF energy can be harmful, and the SAR value helps us understand the level of exposure to this energy.
To find your phone’s SAR value and other regulatory information, dial #07#. A lower SAR value is better, as it reduces exposure to RF energy.
4. View Calendar Information (*#*#225#*#*)
You can use a code to check the calendar information of all the Google calendars linked to your smartphone. By entering *#*#225#*#* on your phone, you can view the number of birthdays, holidays, and events scheduled on your calendars.
This code helps you track all important dates and events so you never miss anything important. It’s a handy feature that can help you stay organized and on top of your schedule.
5. Perform Google Play Services Diagnostic – (*#*#426#*#*)
If you’re experiencing issues with Google Play Services on your smartphone, you can try running a secret code to access the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) diagnostics. This will help you check the status of your Google Play Services and potentially resolve any misbehaviour.
The code you need to run is *#*#426#*#*. Once you enter this code, the FCM diagnostics page will open, and you can use it to troubleshoot issues with your Google Play Services.
6. Find the MAC address – (*#*#232338#*#*)
A MAC address is a unique identifier that is used to identify any device on a network. If you want to spoof your MAC address, you can use the *#*#232338#*#* code to check whether your spoof is working.
However, MAC address spoofing can be illegal in some situations, so be aware of the laws in your region before attempting to do so.
7. To Run a Factory Reset – (*#*#7780#*#*)
To erase all data on your Android phone and restore it to factory settings, enter *#*#7780#*#*. Be warned, this will delete all your apps, accounts, settings, and other data, so back up your important files first. Only do this if you understand the consequences.
8. Software and hardware info – (*#12580*369#)
To quickly access your phone’s software and hardware details, dial *#12580*369# instead of navigating the settings menu. This provides a detailed report of the software version, hardware specs, and other important information. It’s a convenient shortcut when troubleshooting or providing device details to a technician or service provider.
9. Check signal strength – (3001#12345#)
If you ever experience network signal problems on your Android phone, you can use a secret code to check the signal strength. Enter the code “3001#12345#” in your phone’s dialer and hit call.
This will pop up a hidden menu that displays the signal strength in dBm units. This can be useful for troubleshooting signal issues and determining the best areas for optimal reception.
10. Battery status & health – (*#0228#)
To check your phone’s battery health, use the secret code *#0228# to run a battery status and health test. This code displays important information about your battery, including the power source, current voltage, charge details, and health stats.
By checking this information, you can diagnose any issues with your battery and take appropriate measures to ensure your phone’s battery runs efficiently.
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Other Secret Codes for Android Phone
Here are some secret codes for your Android smartphone. It’s worth noting that the success of these codes may vary depending on the smartphone brand you use.
Best Secret Codes For Finding Phone Information
Certainly, These codes can provide you with valuable information about the hardware and software of your phone.
- *#*#44336#*#* – Display phone’s build time.
- *#*#4636#*#* – Display WLAN Status, Usage Statistics and Battery Information.
- *#*#225#*#* – View Calendar Data on your phone.
- *#03# – View the NAND Flash Serial number.
- *#06# – Display the phone’s IMEI number.
- *#0*# – Activate General Test Mode
- *#*#3264#*#* – Check phone RAM version.
- *#*#4986*2650468#*#* – View your phone’s firmware information.
- *#*#232338#*#* – Display Wi-Fi network’s MAC address.
- *#*#1111#*#* – Display FTA software version.
- *#*#1234#*#* – View PDA Software version.
- *#*#2222#*#* – View FTA Hardware version.
- *#2263# – Display the RF Band selection.
- *3282# – Get a text message with your Billing Information.
- *#*#2663#*#* – Display the touch-screen version information.
- *#3282*727336*# – View Storage and Data Consumption Information.
- *#*#232337#*# – View Bluetooth device address.
- *3001#12345#* – Access Field Mode, Cell Towers and View Local Networks Information
- *#*#34971539#*#* – Display camera firmware information.
- *#*#7594#*#* – Change power button behavior.
- *#*#197328640#*#* – Access Service Mode
Best Android Codes for Managing Calls and Messages
These secret codes are available to manage call waiting, call forwarding, and several other functions. These codes can be used for effective call and message management.
- *31# – Turn on caller ID.
- #31# – Turn off caller ID.
- *#67# – Display call forwarding information on your phone.
- *#61# – See how long it takes to forward calls.
- *43# – Turn on call waiting.
- #43# – Turn off call waiting.
- *5005*7672# – Display SMS Message Center Number.
Android Best Codes for Troubleshooting
If you’re experiencing issues with your Android phone, try troubleshooting using these codes to identify the problem.
- *#7353# – Open the Quick Test Menu.
- *#*#0842#*#* – Test Vibration and Backlight.
- *#*#1472365#*#* – Perform A GPS Test.
- *#0228# – Check Your Battery Status and Details.
- *#*#0588#*#* – Perform A Proximity Sensor Test.
- *#*#232331#*#* – Test Bluetooth.
- *#0589# – Perform a Light Sensor Test.
- *#*#2664#*#* – Test the Touch-Screen.
- #0782*# – Perform A Real-Time Clock Test.
- *#9090# – Display Diagnostic Configuration.
- *#*#526#*#* – Perform A WLAN Test.
- #*#426#*# – Run Google Play Services Diagnostics.
- *#*#0283#*#* – Perform A Packet Loopback Test.
- *#*#7262626#*#* – Perform A Field Test.
- *#3214789# – Display the GCF Mode Status.
- *#872564# – Access USB Logging Control.
- *#7284# – Access USB 12C Mode Control.
- *#745# – Open the RIL Dump Menu.
- *#746# – Open the Debug Dump Menu.
- *#9900# – Access System Dump Mode.
- *#*#0673#*#* or *#*#0289#*#* – Perform an Audio and Melody Tests.
- *#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* – Make A Backup of Your Media Files.
It’s important to prioritize safety when using secret codes. Always research codes before using them and avoid anything that seems risky. Remember, there are often alternative ways to access information through your phone’s settings.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why are my Android Secret Codes not Working?
Some codes work on almost every Android device, while others are specific to certain manufacturers or models. If a code doesn’t work on your device, skip it and try another. Be cautious and use only known codes to avoid device malfunctions or damage.
How do I find the hidden menu on my Android?
You can access the Android hidden settings code by typing codes on the call dialer app. These work on any Android phone. If your tablet doesn’t have the dialer, download an app from the Play Store.
Do I Need to Know These Hidden Android Codes?
It depends on your interests. If you love technology, you might enjoy learning about tools that let you explore and play with different codes. Trying secret codes on your Android device can be fun, but be careful not to mess with any codes or settings you don’t understand.
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Thanks for the code it is useful And important to know more about Android world.
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